Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Power Season 6, Episode 9, Scorched The Earth - Cornbread's Notes, Thoughts, and Feelings

1- Do we know anything about Lakeisha’s Baby Daddy? Would he really be of any use to Tommy? I don’t remember him at all. Also, when did Tommy get that yellow car? 

2- Ramona is proposing Ghost as Lieutenant Governor tho?! This is so extra. He’s way too hot and unraveled right now to be a real public figure. He’ll be the poster-boy for Blackmail Bait. The drug dealing teacher and O-Dogg Tate will have stuff to hold over his head in any capacity as a public official. However, we finally see what Romona’s purpose has been. She has finally jumped in on the backstabbing! Lawwd geezus! 

Larenz O-Dogg Tate is going to try to kill Ghost! When Romona told him she was leaving he looked very distraught; way different than the swag he had when he hit Ghost with that “you ain’t gon do sh!t boy!” Lol

3- The plan to get Jason, The Serb Distro to the new building was genius. Ghost getting Dre to come to the roof was a good move, but then TV Magic made it so that somehow Dre escaped a surrounded building from the roof when the police were downstairs and upstairs?!

Why would they need Dre to plant the phone at Ghost’s hotel to get him on Silver? Wouldn’t the phone have whatever evidence they needed? Wouldn’t it better to find the phone in the car WITH the dead body?  

Ghost WOULD NEVER drop a big ass SAMSUNG NOTE or iPHONE 8PLUS at the scene in the car.  The writers are getting lazy again mayne!

Overall, Dre is just as irritating as Tariq, but at least he has a reason to be shady being a real competitor for Ghost. Tariq is just an ungrateful lil asshat for no reason. He literally has no reason to hate Ghost the way he does.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Power Season 6, Episode 8, Notes, Thoughts and Feelings

Power Season 6, Episode 8, Notes, Thoughts and Feelings
1- Tariq is STILL hella disrespectful to Ghost for no reason. He’s right back to the bullshyt and plotting on ways to submarine his own dad, and it came out big time with that exchange about Ghost running for political office. Smh. He’s the worst! I know Tasha kinda gave up on him being a good kid, and has opted to teach him the business instead, but I think that he's not beyond stabbing her in the back eventually too. She knows he's messy and vengeful so it's mid-key a risk to teach him the business in my opinion. I'm still steadfastly holding my position that they just need to take him out and move to Cuba, where The Serb can't find them, and live happily ever-after. Just move to Cuba and make a whole new son or two. Why try to work with this one? Or, don't take him out, but just leave him to fend for himself with "Uncle" Tommy, and let him live out his dream of becoming Kanan. Either way, fawk this lil bama!

2- This Saxe and Blanca clique-up is good for the storyline. Frienemies working together and back-stabbing each other is consistent with every other relationship on the show.

3- I’m glad the DA didn’t even hear what Saxe had to say about Ghost and Tommy tying him up, and left his status as fired! However, because Saxe is back in play via Blanca, the fingerprints Ghost left all over Saxe’s apartment will somehow come back later in my opinion.  Ghost is still being more sloppy than usual this season.

4- I like the invisible boss plan that Tasha and Tariq have for the teacher, but who in the world accepts work from people that can break in your trunk and drop off mad drugs? Lol.  Lawwrd, he’s going to be too hot though because his teacher salary won’t match his sudden ability to pay off all of his debt and “the Feds is watching!”

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Power Season 6, Episode 7 Notes, Thoughts, and Feelings

Power Season 6, Episode 7 Notes, Thoughts, and Feelings

1- I’m so glad Ghost finally pulled the strap on Tariq, and took his money. He should’ve pistol-whipped him tho! Just like one-to-three hits in his sore ribs with the gun handle. Grab him by the throat and be like “you’re luck you’re my son lil messy ass phuck boi!”

1a)LOL at Tasha’s “Okay Ghost” when he dead ass thought he got through to Tariq.  Tariq STILL ain't shyt!

2- Keisha gon hold that gun in her bag till 2037.  Her accusing the workers of stealing is exactly why she shouldn’t be involved in the biz.  However, the writers actually made LaLa have some good insight and value in this episode.

2a) Tommy’s Worker Spanky is one of the best actors on the show.

3- Tate is hot as hell for smashing campaign worker Derrick’s wife Cassandra, but I’m glad Ghost didn’t kill Derrick, like O-Dogg tried to get him to do.  YES, I'm calling Tate O-Dogg from now on since he's acting very Menace II Society-ish recently.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Let's Hug It Out - 10 Yr Sentence For Dallas Police Officer Amber "The Apartment Hunter" Guyger

Former Dallas Police Officer, Amber Guyger was found guilty of murdering an unarmed man in his own apartment WITH her SERVICE WEAPON, while she was OFF-DUTY.  It was a shock to the public that she got convicted because white police rarely get convicted in cases where the victim is non-white, especially if the victim is BLACK.  

So, while the jury did a great job at not letting yet another cop go free and unscathed after committing murder-on-the-job, this same jury completely blew it on the sentencing of Amber The Apartment Hunter Guyger.  

Bad job Jurors!  

Y'all have allowed Caucasity to win again!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Power Season 6, Episode 6 Thoughts and Feelings

Power Season 6, Episode 6 Thoughts and Feelings

1- Yo! Tariq trying to double-cross his daddy, his mama, AND his uncle is CRAZY! Y’all thought I was crazy when I said if I were Ghost I would’ve killed Kanan, The Lesbian DC Cop, and Tariq all at that house years ago lmao. Tariq just ain’t never gonna be shyt! You know you can’t trust him based on those shady pointy eyebrows!

He deserved way more than that beating with the bag of oranges. I was so hype when I thought Vinny was gonna stab him, but of course it didn’t phukin happen!!!!